Saint Charles FireTime Reported: 10/14/2023 6:19 pm
- Size: 492 acres
- Location: Pueblo County, on the San Carlos Ranger District NE of Lake Isabel, CO.
- Jurisdiction: US Forest Service
- Resources: US Forest Service resources, Type 2 Helicopter, type 6 engine, Multi Mission Aircraft flight (MMA).
- Containment: 12/18/2023 2:30 pm
- Controlled: 1/09/2024 11:30 am
- Structures Threatened:
- Evacuation: None
- Closures: None
- Cause: unknown
- Fuels: Mixed Conifer
- #SaintCharlesFire_CO
Update 10/18/2023 @ 9:00pm: For all further updates go to the Facebook link
Update 10/18/2023 @ 6:00pm: A Type 3 team will take command of the #SaintCharlesFire_CO at 6:00 pm. The MMA flight mapped the fire at 19 acres, also communicating the fire intensity was low to moderate. Ordered resources are starting to arrive. Helicopter did bucket drops through out the day.
Update 10/18/2023 @ 8:00am: Fire is now 15 acres. The Colorado Multi Mission Aircraft (MMA) will fly the fire this morning and should get a new image of the fire and a update in acres.
Update 10/17/2023 @ 9:30pm: Fire is now reported as 9.6 acres. Today, one type one and one type 2 helicopters did numerous drops on the fire. Winds were variable during the day, with some short range spotting (up to 200 yards) to the north, south, and west. Line construction on the north side of the fire was possible in some areas where the fire reached the ridge where fuels and terrain were conducive for suppression efforts
Resources will continue to suppress the fire when opportunities arise, and identify areas where suppression efforts can be effective and have a high probability of success..
Resources on order/assigned:
2 Type 6 Engines
Type 4 IC
Type 3 IC.
Douglas County Heli tack Module
T2 Helicopter
T1 Helicopter
Plans T2
DIVS (on order)
Fireline Paramedic (on order)
2 PIO’s (filled)
Pike Hotshot Mod (6 people)
Suppression Module
2-Type 2IA crews ETA the 19th
Update 10/17/2023 @ 3:30pm: Fire is now estimated at 3 acres, Type 1 Helicopter is currently doing water bucket drops. The type 2 Helicopter is not operational for mechanical needs, will be operational tomorrow. Three firefighters are on the fire and putting in fireline.
Update 10/17/2023 @ 12:00pm: Fire is now estimated at 1.3 acres, Type 2 Helicopter is currently doing water bucket drops. A type 1 Helicopter has been ordered with a ETA of 2 hrs. Terrain is steep and the fire is difficult to access. Firefighters are staged, fire managers are evaluating risks of
engagement of ground resources. Number one concern is firefighter safety.

Update 10/16/2023: Fire located in mid slope of terrain, Difficult access, yesterday helicopter did numerous water bucket drops. Helicopter did not fly any missions today.