Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Fire Activity 8/7/2024

  Windrow Fire

Time Reported: 08/07/2024 3:19 pm

  • Size: .10 acre
  • Location: El Paso County, near Monument Fire Center, CO. Pikes Peak Ranger District
  • Jurisdiction: US Forest Service
  • Resources: 1 engine & 2 patrols
  • Containment: 100% 8/7/24 @5:58 pm for .10 acre
  • Controlled: 
  • Structures Threatened: None
  • Evacuation: None
  • Closures: None
  • Cause: Unknown
  • Fuels: Brush, timber
  • #WindrowFire_CO
Initial Report: Firefighters are on scene of the Windrow Fire and have stopped all forward progression, they will continue to mop up the interior and secure the fires edge. 
