Sunday, September 15, 2024

Fire Activity 9/14/2024

  Willow Crossing Fire

Time Reported: 09/14/2024 6:28 am

  • Size: 863.3 acres
  • Location: 15 miles SE of Campo, CO. Baca County, Comanche Grasslands
  • Jurisdiction: US Forest Service
  • Resources: Baca County Fire Department & mutual aid resources 
  • Containment100% 9/15/2024 9:15 am
  • Controlled: 
  • Structures Threatened: None
  • Evacuation: None
  • Closures: None
  • Cause: Lightning
  • Fuels: grass & brush
  • #WillowCrossingFire_CO
  • Map:

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Fire Activity 9/7/2024

 Webber Park Fire

Time Reported: 09/07/2024 11:12 am

  • Size: .10 acre
  • Location: 12 miles NE of Hartsel, CO. Park County, South Park RD
  • Jurisdiction: US Forest Service
  • Resources: Forest Service Engine, other FS overhead resources
  • Containment: 100% 9/7/2024 3:28 pm
  • Controlled: 9/8/24, 1 pm
  • Structures Threatened: None
  • Evacuation: None
  • Closures: None
  • Cause: Lightning
  • Fuels: Pine understory and mountain shrub
  • #WebberParkFire_CO

Friday, September 6, 2024

Fire Activity 9/5/2024

Snyder Falls Fire

Time Reported: 09/05/2024 2:59 pm

  • Size: .10 acre
  • Location: Lake County, 5.5  miles West of Twin Lakes, CO. Leadville Ranger District
  • Jurisdiction: US Forest Service
  • Resources: Forest Service Engine, Lake County engine &sheriffs office 
  • Containment100% 9/05/24 7:08 pm for .10 acre
  • Controlled: 
  • Structures Threatened: None
  • Evacuation: None
  • Closures: None
  • Cause: unkn0wn
  • Fuels: lodgepole pine & grass
  • #SnyderFallsFire_CO

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Fire Activity 9/4/2024

Skull Rock Fire

Time Reported: 09/04/2024 4:10 pm

  • Size: .10 acre
  • Location: Jefferson County, 0.5  miles north  of Deckers, CO. South Platte Ranger District
  • Jurisdiction: US Forest Service
  • Resources: Forest Service Engine 
  • Containment100% 9/04/24 6:11 pm for .10 acre
  • Controlled:  9/04/24 6:19 pm for .10 acre
  • Structures Threatened: None
  • Evacuation: None
  • Closures: None
  • Cause: lightning
  • Fuels: Timber & grass
  • #SkullRockFire_CO

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Fire Activity 9/02/2024

  In-between Fire

Time Reported: 09/02/2024 1:41 pm

  • Size: .10 acre
  • Location: Park County, 20.5  miles north west of Lake George Park, CO. South Park Ranger District
  • Jurisdiction: US Forest Service
  • Resources: Hand crew
  • Containment100% 9/02/24 1:54 pm for .10 acre
  • Controlled:  9/02/24 1:54 pm for .10 acre
  • Structures Threatened: None
  • Evacuation: None
  • Closures: None
  • Cause: human; escaped campfire
  • Fuels: Logs, & duff
  • #In-betweenFire_CO

  In-between 2 Fire

Time Reported: 09/02/2024 3:07 pm

  • Size: .10 acre
  • Location: Park County, 21.5  miles north west of Lake George Park, CO. South Park Ranger District
  • Jurisdiction: US Forest Service
  • Resources: Hand crew, engine, patrol
  • Containment100% 9/02/24 4:07 pm for .10 acre
  • Controlled:  9/02/24 4:07 pm for .10 acre
  • Structures Threatened: None
  • Evacuation: None
  • Closures: None
  • Cause: human; escaped campfire
  • Fuels: Logs, & duff
  • #In-between2Fire_CO

Fire Activity 9/01/2024

 315 Fire

Time Reported: 09/01/2024 7:32 pm

  • Size: .10 acre
  • Location: El Paso County, 4.5  miles north west of Woodland Park, CO. Pikes Peak Ranger District
  • Jurisdiction: US Forest Service
  • Resources: 1 Engine 
  • Containment100% 9/02/24 12:00 pm for .10 acre
  • Controlled: 
  • Structures Threatened: None
  • Evacuation: None
  • Closures: None
  • Cause: human; escaped campfire
  • Fuels: Logs, & duff
  • #315Fire_CO